Education Audits

Ensuring Excellence in Education Settings

Is your education setting in need of an external review? Our team of education quality professionals are on hand to assess your facilities, policies, and procedures; from Health & Safety to HR.

If it’s been a while since your last review, or maybe you get the feeling Ofsted is just around the corner; now’s the time to get your governance in order with our quality audits.

Whether you’re a nursery, pre-school, primary school, secondary/ high school, or further education institution; HR&OD can support with an in-depth quality audit. 

We know that proactive quality checks are essential for continued success in the education sector. And it’s always better to be one step ahead of the issues when your team are already stretched. Get ahead of the problem with our Education Quality Audit Service.  

What is an Education Audit?

One of our auditors will visit your site, review your processes, your documentation, assess your facilities and H&S provisions, and provide you with actionable and constructive feedback.

You’ll get a rating, commentary, and advisories against a comprehensive list of touchpoints. We offer site-wide audits, or if Ofsted or your management team have identified a specific issue, we can focus wherever suits you best. A third-party review is often a valuable tool in identifying issues no one on the frontline can see.

Our Approach:

With a wealth of experience in the education sector, we understand the intricate nature of educational institutions and the significance of a tailored Education Audit. Our team of experienced professionals brings a holistic approach to the audit process.

Comprehensive Assessment:

We conduct a thorough examination of your institution’s policies, procedures and facilities.

Strategic Recommendations:

Our audit goes beyond identifying issues; we provide strategic recommendations for improvement, aligning with your institution’s unique goals and objectives.

Regulatory Compliance:

With expertise in educational regulations, we ensure that your institution remains compliant with all relevant standards, mitigating potential risks.

Efficient Execution:

We understand the value of time in the educational domain. Our efficient audit process minimises disruption, allowing your institution to focus on its core mission of delivering quality education.

Need further support?

We also offer Business Manager Support across the education sector. If our quality audits highlight any areas of concern for your institution, we can go further and support on managing the issue(s) through to solution.

Let HR&OD take your organisation to the next level.

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